Our goal is to deliver long term sustainable returns our investors can rely on.
Total Portfolio Value by Sector
As at 2024-03-31
- 51% Industrial
- 39% Office
- 10% Large Format Retail
Total Portfolio Value by Region
As at 2024-03-31
- 69% Auckland
- 28% Wellington
- 3% Regional North Island and South Island
Weighted Average Lease Term by Sector
As at 2024-03-31
5.2 yrs
As of 31 March 2024, the Weighted Average Lease Term (“WALT”) is 5.2 years. The WALT is very important because portfolio values are fundamentally affected by security of income streams.
Looking for a quality property?
Are you looking for space to help grow your business and allow your people to thrive? Check out our properties currently available for lease or under development.